Friday, December 6, 2013

Period 2: Credit, Day 2 - Class Recap

It's too bad it wasn't this snowy outside this morning. Maybe next week? ;-)

Hi everyone,

Well, that was certainly a fast week. Another three day weekend upcoming, too! We are speeding right along to Winter Break

Soundtrack: “Snowfall Music” by Carbon Leaf. Selected because, even if it was just a little, it was snowing outside during class! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 12/6/13:
Tort Reports
Chapter 25 Work
Answers and Discussion
Default: The Student Loan Documentary

Homework: Review for upcoming test! Read the blog! Next tort reports assigned to: Ellen and Erin.

Tort Reports: Today's tort reports were brought in by Kaitlyn and Miles. They were:


Thank you both!

Chapter 25 Work: This should be the last chapter of book work until Winter Break, at least. I just asked students to do 25.1-3 and 25.7 - the chapter is on the concept of credit.

Answers and Discussion: As usual, I found the discussion of answers to be really good here. Lots of interesting perspectives shared. Hopefully, everyone is getting solid on the main points of contracts, warranties, and credit!

Default: The Student Loan Documentary: At the end of class, I showed this mini-documentary that first aired on PBS, about the student loan crisis in America. It really is such an important issue to be aware of, especially for those of you who have college as an option in the future. Knowing what you are getting yourself into and possible ways to avoid it is really critical knowledge. If you missed it in class, or wanted to watch the rest that we didn't get to, the video is here:

Have a great weekend - see you next week, to prepare for the unit test!

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