Monday, September 16, 2013

Period 2: Introduction to Law, Day 5 - Class Recap

I took this photo on take off from Las Vegas in the summer of 2011 - probably a place where the alien invaders we tried to base our thinking about rights in 2056 on would feel right at home at.

Hello everyone,

Welcome back - we have a good week of work ahead of us! We should be finishing up the introductory unit by Friday, with the test (please be studying) in class.

Soundtrack: “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson. This song is obviously the start of some sort of domestic dispute! Check out the lyrics.

AGENDA 9/16/13:
Torts Report
Review Sheet
Last Introductory Concepts
Bill of Rights

Homework: Ask about your family background. Check the blog and post a comment!  Torts Report assigned to: Kaitlin L.
Torts Report: Miles L. brought in an article about a civil suit related to the Casey Anthony trial. - Casey Anthony forced to testify in civil case regarding death of daughter. This does happen frequently, where a civil trial will be the result of the proceedings in a criminal trial. An interesting article, for sure. Thanks Miles! Kaitlin, you are up for Wednesday.

Review Sheet: During this time, we went over the chapter 1 vocabulary review sheet from last class, which looked at checks and balances, federalism, and rights on one side, then mixing and matching vocabulary on the other. Copies of these sheets are in class.

Last Introductory Concepts: The last few concepts that I wanted to review for this opening unit were human rights, common law, adversary system, inquisitional system, and legislative intent. Here is the document of definitions if you missed class or wanted to see them again:

The video that we watched in class of the very tense interactions between a People's Court judge and a defendant can be found on YouTube, here.

Bill of Rights: At the end of class, we started going through and looking at the Bill of Rights. I handed out a sheet of possible rights for us if we had just defeated invading aliens in the year 2056. The class was asked to try and choose 10 from a list of 15. Then, I read a bit about the process of determining the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution. We ended class by trying to identify how the possible rights we chose in the alien invasion aftermath are related to the Bill of Rights. We will finish this activity next class, along with a class activity revolving around our backgrounds, and a final review before the test.

Thanks for checking in - let me know how I can be helping you!

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