Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Period 2: Mock Trial, Day 2 - Class Recap

Sunset over Portland International Airport.

Hi everyone,

What a whirlwind of a day! So much going on, but I think we eventually got situated with the Mock Trial and what we are doing with it. Here's the recap for the day:

Soundtrack: "Summertime Sadness [Remix]" by Lana Del Ray and Cedric Gervais. Selected for today because I will be in Australia next week, where it is summer, but I will also be very sad (really) to be leaving you all! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/8/14:
Tort Reports
Mock Trial Assignments
Case Work
Computer Lab Time – N210

Homework: Read the blog! Prep for mock trial. Next tort reports assigned to: on board.

Tort Reports: Brenda brought in this article and recapped it: - Black woman wins civil case against black manager who used the N-word.

Tommy needs to complete the tort report form and turn it in along with his article to get the extra credit.

Mock Trial Assignments: Here, I went through more of the overview for the mock trial, which will be your final assessment for the class. This is the document that I started to read aloud (I did not read much of the later pages): - Civil Case Mock Trial.

Case Work: I asked students for their top three choices for what to do in the mock trial and eventually came up with the following list:

Plaintiff’s Attorneys:
1. Ryan
2. Erin
3. Tommy
4. Patrick
5. James

Defense Attorneys:
1. Quinn
2. Marsuk
3. Austin
4. Magen
5. Alekzander

Andy Parker – Brendan, Luke
Johnny/i Parker – Jorden, Daniel
Marty Watkins – Tim, Kham
Pat Mentor – Sarah, Kaitlyn
Sandy Todd – Ellen, Randi
Alex Grainger – Jaxon, Bertina
Bailiff: Shakti
Court Clerk: Brenda
Everyone else: Jury

Computer Lab Time: After selecting roles, I handed out an overview assignment for the mock trial, which consisted of a one page response to this prompt: What are the legal elements presented? What are some potential roadblocks for either side in winning? What must be proven in the course of the trial?

Basically, this assignment is to make sure that everyone has the basics of the case down and can show your knowledge of the concepts you learned about this year. This should be individually done - not collectively.

If you missed the handout in class (the prompt is on the back, and many helpful tips are on the front), here it is again:

Please keep working on this! Next class, I will provide time for you to meet with your group, memorize your statement, and continue thinking about your summary.

See you on Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Minors cannot buy matches.


