Monday, October 21, 2013

Period 2: Intentional Torts, Day 2 - Class Recap

One of the slides in my PowerPoint on intentional torts was about false imprisonment. I used the example of my job at the airport - here's a place I wouldn't mind being in for long stretches of time: the flight deck of the Boeing 747 Dreamlifter, in the pilot's seat!

Hello all,

Welcome to another blog recap! This one may be looked at a bit more than usual, seeing as you have a quiz next class on intentional torts (Chapter 19 in the textbook). Hopefully, this will help with studying!

Soundtrack: “Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith. Selected for today because one of the intentional torts we talked about was intentional infliction of emotional distress. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 10/21/13:
Tort Report
Intentional Torts PowerPoint
Chapter 19 Review
Study for Quiz

Homework: Study for intentional torts quiz, next class! Turn in missing work. Check the blog! Next tort report assigned to Tim.
Tort Report: Ryan brought in this article: - Women sue over product they say 'melted' hair. Another interesting lawsuit! Ryan mentioned the pain (both mentally and physically) of losing hair as a possible cause for remedy. Thanks, Ryan. Tim, you are up next. 

Intentional Torts PowerPoint: Most of class (this took longer than I anticipated, I apologize), we spent looking at various ways of defining intentional torts and thinking of a few examples. If you missed class, or wanted to review for your quiz, here are the slides:

There were a few torts related vocabulary that I did not go over, which yes, you will need to know (they are in Chapter 19): compensatory damages, nominal damages, and punitive damages, as well as copyright and infringement. 

Chapter 19 Review: Actually, we still did not really get to review this yet. I know that there are a lot of questions and problems to go through. After the quiz next class, I will give everyone more time to finish this, then we will talk about it, then move on to Chapter 20. So yes, expect a fair amount of book work in class. I want to have us catch up to where we are on the calendar, and this is really the only way to do it.

Study For Quiz: Again, next class, there will be a quiz on intentional torts at the beginning. See above for help on what will be on it. The quiz will have some fill in the blank and some "identify the tort" questions. An example of one that will be on the test is: "Mo Muckraker tells a group of Pentagon officials that Senator Howard is such a drunk that she can’t be trusted with military secrets. Muckraker knows this isn’t true, but he doesn’t agree with the politics of the Senator. Senator Howard becomes the subject of a Congressional inquiry because of this and loses her seat on a powerful committee." What kind of intentional tort is this? Guess in a comment and I will tell you if you are correct or not.

Sound like a plan? Thank you for your focus and attention today. Let's make it a good week.


  1. Defamation- Marissa

    1. Hi Marissa,

      Yes, but what kind? I am actually going to change this question so it is more obvious. Stay tuned for an update.
