Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Period 2: Introduction to Torts - Class Recap

One of the slides in the presentation today was from my trip to Vietnam in 2011. This is one of my favorite pictures from that trip - a man and his child in Hanoi.

Hi everyone,

First off, here is the calendar of what we will be doing in class until November 15th, which is my last day. This is a rough guide, but should definitely help you in planning and knowing what you will be doing. Please refer to this!

Soundtrack: “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol. Selected for today because we were talking about various forms of car insurance. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 10/15/13:
Tort Report/Debrief Hot Coffee
Torts PowerPoint
Chapter 18 Worksheet
Start Chapter 19

Homework: Study terms for possible quiz upcoming. Turn in missing work. Read the blog! Next Tort Report assigned to Erin.

Tort Report/Debrief Hot Coffee: To begin class, Ellen brought in this article about an interesting recent lawsuit: DailyNews.com - North Hollywood woman sues her psychic.

What a case! Love curses, expensive paintings, gift cards... what more could you ask for? Fascinating. Thank you, Ellen!

We also went through the answers on the Hot Coffee worksheet, which is here, if you missed this:

Hopefully you found this interesting. I thought we had a good discussion about it.

Torts PowerPoint: This was over the concepts and terms addressed in Chapter 18. I'm not sure if the video embedded in the presentation will play, but here is the document again if you wanted to check it out (or missed class).

Most of these should not be new concepts, but some of the ways of explaining them might have helped you understand better. These terms will be on a test, for sure.

Chapter 18 Worksheet: We started this at the end of class - I think many people were able to finish. Next class, we will go over it, then start on the work in Chapter 19.

See you on Thursday!

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