Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Period 2: Warranties and Credit - Class Recap

Autzen Stadium in Eugene - site of the Civil War football game this Friday. Go Ducks!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to your Thanksgiving break! I hope you enjoy it and come back ready to work hard until Winter break. Let me know if I can be helping you out with what is going on in class!

Soundtrack: “Return of the Quack” by Supwitchugirl. Selected because it was Civil War day today at Westview and because the Ducks are going to win six straight over the Beavers on Friday. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/26/13:
Tort Reports (Girls lawsuit)
Chapter 24 Answers
PowerPoint on Credit
Grade Check/Make Up Time

Homework: Turn in missing/incomplete work! Read the blog! Next tort reports assigned to: Shakti/Bertina.

Tort Reports: We did not have a student tort report today in class, but I did bring in a lawsuit of my own, stemming off of this commercial for "Goldie Blox" - who sued the Beastie Boys (counterintuitive, I know).

I thought this was another interesting case having to do with copyright infringement.

Chapter 24 Answers: The chapter on warranties was pretty short, and so was our answer time here. I did give away a couple of free food coupons from recent sporting events as rewards for answering! :-)

PowerPoint on Credit: Next, I went through the main definitions and concepts from the upcoming chapter on credit (Chapter 25). Here is the PowerPoint if you missed it in class or wanted to see it again:

We will do plenty of work with this next week - it is obviously something that impacts us all!

Grade Check/Make Up Time: The rest of the class was given to checking in with everyone about individual grades and what everyone needs to do in order to improve before progress reports. Almost everyone in the class is in this situation of having work to catch up or complete fully. Students who were done could have moved on to starting the work on Chapter 25 in the book.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Period 2: Warranties, Day 1 - Class Recap

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 50 years ago today, in Dallas. Here's a quote I really like at the JFK Presidential Library in Boston.

Hi everyone,

I tried as best I could to make the lesson on warranties interesting - I do wonder if the Friday morning malaise made it difficult. Hopefully, we got there in the end! 

Soundtrack: “Wordplay” by Jason Mraz. Selected because specific words are what makes contracts really important. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/22/13:
Tort Reports
Introduction to Warranties
Used Car Simulation
Chapter 24 Work

Homework: Read the blog! Next tort reports assigned to: Tim and Brendan.
Tort Reports: Marsuk remembered to bring this article in to talk about: MercuryNews.com - Apple vs. Samsung: Jury awards $290 million to Apple in patent feud. We discovered in class that I was mistaken about Samsung delivering the money owed in coins. That's a hoax! Always good to check. :-)

Introduction to Warranties: I thought this was one of the best PowerPoints of all time. With Tommy Boy movie clips that relate to guarantees/warranties/sales! Here it is to review again if you missed class or did not take notes:

Pretty basic stuff, I hope.

Used Car Simulation: Next, I had Daniel, Kham, and Austin do a roleplay of buying a car. Which is helpful, because Kham actually IS going car shopping soon! Here is the mini-lesson to review, if you wanted to check it out again. Remember that you will almost certainly need to be able to read a warranty and decide what it covers as a part of the upcoming test.

Chapter 24 Work: The rest of the class was devoted to answering questions in the book. Not super glamorous, I know, but it means that we can move forward with the next chapter (and probably watch the Madoff documentary) next class, instead of spending two days on a (mostly) dry topic.

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Tuesday!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Period 2: Contracts, Day 2 - Class Recap

My view from the 2011 Pac-12 Championship game. Quite the production, considering that the players do not get paid besides what their scholarship covers!

Hi everyone,

Hopefully today was a more interesting and easy way to complete the book work in class. I'm trying to make things even easier to follow along with, in the hopes that, come test time, it will make much more sense. Please let me know if I can clear up any of the concepts we talked about in class today! On to the recap:

Soundtrack: “Warning” by Incubus. Selected because, frequently, contracts come with warnings about what will happen if they are broken. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/20/13:
Tort Reports
As A Class: Chapter 23
O’Bannon v. NCAA
Email Contracts

Homework: Read the blog! Next tort reports assigned to: Marsuk/Miles.
Tort Reports: Ryan signed up for today's tort report and brought in this article - HuffingtonPost.com - Black College Student Arrested For Buying A Designer Belt, Barneys and NYPD Slapped With Lawsuit.

Remember that, in order to receive extra credit for doing this assignment now, you also need to fill out the report form that goes along with it (copies are in class and linked to on the upper right side of the blog). Thanks!

As A Class: Chapter 23: Because Chapter 23 was so short, I just read through it and as a class, we answer the questions. Hopefully these all made sense. Make sure to check out the PowerPoint from last class if you missed it.

O'Bannon v. NCAA: To begin this part of class, I introduced this lawsuit by some former (and a few current) athletes that had their likenesses used in video games and with other profitable enterprises with no compensation other than a scholarship. Here's the video we watched in class:

I then passed out this article from the New York Times about the settlement with EA Sports. The litigation with the NCAA is still ongoing. Please note the four questions that I had everyone answer in notebooks!

Make sure to read this and complete the questions if you were not in class today!

We did not have time in class to look at email contracts, but I did have students note the differences between Tort Law and Contract Law, which are as follows:

Kinds of Civil Law

What binds individuals
Laws of society, as defined by  statutes and precedents

Specific Agreements

Who is bound
Groups of people (often, everybody) who have a duty
The specific individuals who willfully enter into the agreement, thereby creating a duty for themselves

Next class, we will get into warranties and possibly revisit contracts for a bit.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Period 2: Contract Law, Day 1 - Class Recap

I said in class that there wasn't much to see in Bucharest, Romania. Here was my best effort on Instagram to put together a few cool scenes from the city (June 2013).

Hi everyone,

It felt so good to be back today with a plan of action in mind and a calendar made! Now I feel ready to continue as your teacher for the rest of the year. Hopefully, we will be able to cover some pretty interesting material in that time. On to the recap:

Soundtrack: “Airplanes” by B.o.B. Selected for today because of the famous Pepsi Harrier jet case.

AGENDA 11/18/13:
Tort Reports/Calendar
Pepsi Points
Contract Law PowerPoint
Leonard v. Pepsico Case Study

Homework: Read the blog! Next tort report (extra credit - see below for form) signed up to be:

Tort Reports/Calendar: I went over the updated format for tort reports from now on. They will be for extra credit (5 points), but also have a written report component as well. Only students who do not currently have A's in the class are allowed to sign up for these (but if you have an A and your grade slips to a B, yes, you can then do it for extra credit). Here is the form you will need to fill out to do these:

This link will also be on the side of the blog and paper copies will be in class, along with the updated calendar for the class up until Winter Break.

Pepsi Points: To start off this section (before the PowerPoint and activity based on the case), I showed this actual commercial that Pepsi aired in the 1990s:

After showing the commercial, I asked students to think about how contract law might regulate the claim for a Harrier jet that somebody actually made, as I went through...

Contract Law PowerPoint: Featuring pictures from my trip in Europe this past summer! I am switching up the order of what we do, based on your class feedback. From now on, I will do PowerPoints with definitions BEFORE the assigned book work, so you will have many of the key terms written down already. If I went too fast, or you missed class, here it is to look at again:

Next class, we will go through these concepts some more, via examples in the book and probably some other cases.

Leonard v. Pepsico Case Study: For the last part of class, I went over the specifics of the claim (again, this was an actual case) that was made against Pepsi for not selling someone a Harrier jet with the 7 million points collected via purchasing them. It is a really interesting case in contract law! I had students get into groups of four, with two on each side. If you missed class and wanted to see what we did, here it is to check out:

I enjoyed hearing everyone's perspectives on this! In the end, the courts sided with Pepsi, for the "reasonable person" standard, statute of frauds defense, and probably the public policy defense as well.

Next class, we will get into some more situations like this. See you on Wednesday!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Period 2: Feedback and Mock Trials - Class Recap

Fireworks at the start of the US Open in 2011. Yay, I get to stay as your teacher! :-)

Hi everyone,

I am delighted to be able to say that this will not be the last class recap blog entry for you! Hopefully, you are almost as excited as I am that I will be staying until January 10 or so. It was sort of a whirlwind process this week and I am left not entirely sure what we will be doing in class next (because today was supposed to be my last day), so hopefully I will be better prepared next week. On to the recap!

Soundtrack: “Stay With You” by John Legend. Selected for the obvious reason that I am going to stay as your teacher through January 10, due to Ms. Youngblood extending her leave. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/14/13:
Status Update
Tort Reports
Feedback Review
Mock Trials

Homework: Read the blog! Have a great weekend!
Status Update: Before I started the rest of class, I wanted to go over the updates with the teaching situation and let everyone know that I will be continuing on and the reasons for why I did not know this for sure until yesterday afternoon (thus, leaving me not a lot of time to plan). Hopefully, I was able to answer any questions you had about what is going on, as well.

Tort Reports: Unfortunately, nobody remembered to bring in a tort report today. Next class, then! At least it isn't a permanent zero, like if I had left today!

Feedback Review: Here is the PowerPoint full of the anonymous feedback that everyone gave me last class. I always love looking at this to see what is going well and what needs to be improved on.

The word clouds (the bigger the word, the more times it was used) were created using Wordle.net.

To sum it up, it appears that the class likes our discussions and debates, thinks that we can improve checking the blog and studying, that I am nice and funny, and that I should assign less book work. I will try to incorporate these into my plans!

Mock Trials: For the rest of class, we had a little fun with some mock tort trials that were from this document. I had students feel free to elaborate and create back stories that would make the jury (the rest of the class) side with them. This was a last minute find last night, but I think it was a pretty fun activity.

I will probably come in tomorrow (Friday) on my own time to try and figure out a long term plan for class, so feel free to come find me in Lower North Teacher Cluster if you need to check in.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Period 2: Test Debrief - Class Recap

The lights of a MAX train downtown, going up the Steel Bridge in downtown Portland. This was a long exposure of something like 15 seconds or so. I love the effect!

Hello everyone,

I'm posting this way later than usual - I'm still at school! Normally, I try to get the blog posted during 8th period, but as you can imagine, I am swamped with stuff to grade and look at.  Here's the recap:

Soundtrack: “Come Rain or Come Shine” by Billie Holiday. Selected for today because it was raining out this morning, and also because the test may have gone poorly for some (raining) or gone really well for others (shining). Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/12/13:
Tort Reports
Review Test/Make Up Test
Class Feedback
Work Time – Notebooks Due At End of Class

Homework: Read the blog! Next tort reports assigned to: everyone that has not done one yet! 
Tort Reports: Quinn remembered to bring in this article today - TheGuardian.com - Spike Lee sued over George Zimmerman tweet. What an interesting case!

Review Test/Make Up Test: For most of class, we went over the answers to the torts test from last class. Students who were not present last class were able to complete the test out in the hall. It was fun going through all the answers with everyone. Remember that if you did not do well, a nice and easy (I hope) notebook check was due today at the end of class.

Class Feedback: After a while teaching a class, I like to try and ask for feedback about how everything is going, in the hopes of improving and understanding what is going well. The questions that I asked students to answer anonymously were:

1) What do you like about this class/what is the class good at?

2) What can improve about the class/what can the class get better at?

3) What do you like about Mr. Fritz as a teacher?

4) What can Mr. Fritz improve at as a teacher?

Finally: If you have any general feedback you would like to give (not to be shared with the class) on my time as your teacher, please take a few minutes and write it. This can be on a separate sheet of paper if you want – I guess I would prefer if you put your name for this one, since I can then ask you individually if I have any questions. Thank you!

I look forward to reading these - we will talk about them next class.

Work Time: The rest of the period was devoted to work time for finishing up any notebook work, in order to be turned in at the end of class. I have all of the notebooks that were turned in today graded, so you will get them back at the start of next class. Thank you for your hard work!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Period 2: Torts Test Day, Class Recap

Congratulations! If you completed the torts test in class today (and hopefully did well), you have climbed to the top of the torts knowledge pyramid. This is Chichen Itza in the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula, 2010.

Hi everyone,

I hope the torts test went well! I am looking forward to grading them and getting them back to you next week. Other than that, it was a really basic day.

Soundtrack: “Sirius” by The Alan Parsons Project. This song has no lyrics, but I was hoping that you would take the test "sirius-ly" and also be pumped up by the song, which in my mind is most known for being the Chicago Bulls entrance music. Listen here.

AGENDA 11/6/13:
Tort Reports
Torts Unit Test
Quiet Work

Homework: Notebook check next class (see below for the requirements). All missing, late, make up work and tests are due by Tuesday (next class). Read the blog! Next tort reports assigned to: Quinn, Brenda, Shelaleh.

Tort Reports: Alekzander was the only student to bring in a tort report today. He selected this story (not really an article, but a response by OSHU to a civil case, which counts): OHSU.edu - OHSU responds to tort claim trial jury decision.

Torts Unit Test: The rest of class was devoted to taking the torts unit class. Thank you for working hard on this - I hope everyone studied hard and did well!

Quiet Work: After completing the test, it was quiet work time in class. Hopefully, your notebook is all good to go for next Tuesday, but if it is not, here is what needs to be turned in:

Civil Law Notebook Check #2:

Mosely v. Portland Public Schools Answers. If you missed this in class or somehow forgot the questions/case, here it is to look at again: ClassroomLaw.org - Mosely v. Portland Public Schools Handout.
Chapter 18: Torts Introduction Definitions and Answers 18.1-11
Chapter 19: Intentional Torts Definitions and Answers 19.1-19.9
Chapter 20: Negligence Definitions and Answers 20.1-20.7
Chapter 21: Strict Liability Definitions and Answers 21.1-7 (except 21.4 and 21.6)

Thank you for all of your hard work! See you next week - enjoy the long weekend!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Period 2: Final Torts Review, Class Recap

Over the weekend, I went to the Portland Timbers playoff match in Seattle. This was the Seattle fan display before the game. The Timbers won, 2-1. Hopefully, the test next class is a similar sort of awesome nightmare! :-)

Hi everyone,

Next class is your big test on torts, so I hope that you are reading this post carefully! Only three more class periods as your long term substitute, as well. Here's what we did today:

Soundtrack: “Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)” by The Backstreet Boys. Chosen for today because we played a Jeopardy review game in class, as well as the lyric "sometimes I wish I could turn back time" (which we did over the weekend)! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/4/13:
Tort Reports
Review Answers
Study Time

Homework: The torts test is next class! Please do not blow this off - study! Review your notes and this blog. Next tort reports assigned to: Alondra and Alekzander.

Tort Reports: The two articles brought in today were: DailyJournal.net - Mo. judge approves $1.35 million settlement in civil lawsuit involving KC priest (Randi) and ABCNews.go.com - Idaho Inmates Sue Beer, Wine Companies for $1B (Marissa). Both interesting cases, thank you ladies!

Review Answers: In class, we answered the questions on the review sheet, which can be found here, if you need another copy:

Many of these same questions are identical to what is on the test, so please remember/review the answers!

Jeopardy: To review some more, we played a fun game of Jeopardy, complete with questions that relate to both the class content and some fun questions about me and students in the class. I don't think you will be actually able to play the game again, but if you wanted to review, here is the PowerPoint I used:

I hope you had fun with this! I always do. I also hope that you learned a bit more about the concepts and vocabulary that are going to be on the test.

Study Time: The rest of the class was devoted to studying for the test. Here are some resources that might help you do that at home, aside from your notebooks:

Google Drive - Strict Liability PowerPoint

Let me know if you have any questions, or I can help you study further! Please come to class prepared on Wednesday. Thanks!