Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Period 2: Torts Test Day, Class Recap

Congratulations! If you completed the torts test in class today (and hopefully did well), you have climbed to the top of the torts knowledge pyramid. This is Chichen Itza in the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula, 2010.

Hi everyone,

I hope the torts test went well! I am looking forward to grading them and getting them back to you next week. Other than that, it was a really basic day.

Soundtrack: “Sirius” by The Alan Parsons Project. This song has no lyrics, but I was hoping that you would take the test "sirius-ly" and also be pumped up by the song, which in my mind is most known for being the Chicago Bulls entrance music. Listen here.

AGENDA 11/6/13:
Tort Reports
Torts Unit Test
Quiet Work

Homework: Notebook check next class (see below for the requirements). All missing, late, make up work and tests are due by Tuesday (next class). Read the blog! Next tort reports assigned to: Quinn, Brenda, Shelaleh.

Tort Reports: Alekzander was the only student to bring in a tort report today. He selected this story (not really an article, but a response by OSHU to a civil case, which counts): - OHSU responds to tort claim trial jury decision.

Torts Unit Test: The rest of class was devoted to taking the torts unit class. Thank you for working hard on this - I hope everyone studied hard and did well!

Quiet Work: After completing the test, it was quiet work time in class. Hopefully, your notebook is all good to go for next Tuesday, but if it is not, here is what needs to be turned in:

Civil Law Notebook Check #2:

Mosely v. Portland Public Schools Answers. If you missed this in class or somehow forgot the questions/case, here it is to look at again: - Mosely v. Portland Public Schools Handout.
Chapter 18: Torts Introduction Definitions and Answers 18.1-11
Chapter 19: Intentional Torts Definitions and Answers 19.1-19.9
Chapter 20: Negligence Definitions and Answers 20.1-20.7
Chapter 21: Strict Liability Definitions and Answers 21.1-7 (except 21.4 and 21.6)

Thank you for all of your hard work! See you next week - enjoy the long weekend!

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