Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Period 2: Warranties and Credit - Class Recap

Autzen Stadium in Eugene - site of the Civil War football game this Friday. Go Ducks!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to your Thanksgiving break! I hope you enjoy it and come back ready to work hard until Winter break. Let me know if I can be helping you out with what is going on in class!

Soundtrack: “Return of the Quack” by Supwitchugirl. Selected because it was Civil War day today at Westview and because the Ducks are going to win six straight over the Beavers on Friday. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/26/13:
Tort Reports (Girls lawsuit)
Chapter 24 Answers
PowerPoint on Credit
Grade Check/Make Up Time

Homework: Turn in missing/incomplete work! Read the blog! Next tort reports assigned to: Shakti/Bertina.

Tort Reports: We did not have a student tort report today in class, but I did bring in a lawsuit of my own, stemming off of this commercial for "Goldie Blox" - who sued the Beastie Boys (counterintuitive, I know).

I thought this was another interesting case having to do with copyright infringement.

Chapter 24 Answers: The chapter on warranties was pretty short, and so was our answer time here. I did give away a couple of free food coupons from recent sporting events as rewards for answering! :-)

PowerPoint on Credit: Next, I went through the main definitions and concepts from the upcoming chapter on credit (Chapter 25). Here is the PowerPoint if you missed it in class or wanted to see it again:

We will do plenty of work with this next week - it is obviously something that impacts us all!

Grade Check/Make Up Time: The rest of the class was given to checking in with everyone about individual grades and what everyone needs to do in order to improve before progress reports. Almost everyone in the class is in this situation of having work to catch up or complete fully. Students who were done could have moved on to starting the work on Chapter 25 in the book.

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